1.What are the oldest civilizations?
Ans: Indus Civilization, Egyptian Civilization, Sumerian Civilization, Persian Civilization, Babylonian Civilization, Roman Civilization, Aegean Civilization.
2. When did the journey of world civilization begin?
Ans: From 5000 BC.
3. Which civilization is called the first civilization of the world?
The Egyptian civilization.
4. Homo sapiens or modern humans originated in what era?
Ans: During the Cenozoic era.
5. In terms of shape and nature, the human race is divided into how many parts?
Ans: In four groups, (Australoid, Mangaloid, Negroid and Caucasian)
6. What is the stone age divided into?
Ans: In two parts, namely – Puropoliya Yuga, Neopoliya Yuga.
7. Ancient Egyptian civilization was built on the banks of which river?
Ans: Nilanad.
8. Which civilization started in Egypt?
Ans: Urban civilization.
9. What was the first Egyptian script?
Ans: Image based.
10. What is the height of Pharaoh Khufu’s pyramid?
Ans: About four hundred feet.
11. According to the ancient Egyptians, who will judge the virtues and sins?
Ans: Osiris.
12. What is hieroglyphics?
Ans: Egyptian script.
13. Where was the civilization of Mesopotamia developed?
Ans: On the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
14. Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, and Chaldean civilizations belong to which civilization?
Ans: Mesopotamian civilization.
15. Who built the oldest civilization in Mesopotamia?
Ans: The Sumerians.
16. Who invented the multiplication method of arithmetic?
Ans: The Mesopotamians.
17. What were the titles of the religious and state leaders of the Sumerian civilization?
Ans: Pateji.
18. Who was the architect of the Babylonian civilization?
Ans: Hammurabi.
19. Where was the Babylonian civilization developed?
Ans: In Mesopotamia.
20. Who built the new Babylonian civilization?
Ans: Nebuchad Nezer.
21. Who made the Babylonian Zero?
Ans: Nebuchad Nezer.
22. What is the name of the main god of the Babylonians?
Ans: Murdoch.
23. What is the name of the Babylonian writing system?
Ans: Cuneiform.
24. Hammurabi was a jurist of which civilization?
Ans: A remarkable civilization.
25. Assyrian civilization was built on the banks of which river?
Ans: Tigris.
26. Who was the first to divide the circle into 360 degrees?
Ans: The Assyrians.
27. Who first divided latitude and longitude?
Ans: The Assyrians.
28. Who first made iron weapons and used them in war?
Ans: The Assyrians.
29. What is the name of the Assyrian sun god?
Ans: Shams.
30. How many years before the collapse of the Assyrian civilization?
Ans. 612 BC.
31. How did the Assyrian civilization collapse?
Ans: In the face of attacks from neighboring states.
32. Who built the Chaldean civilization?
Ans: Emperor Nebuchad Nezer.
33. What is the name of the main Chaldean god?
A. Jupiter.
34. The people of which civilization considered the celestial planets as gods?
Ans: Chaldeans.
35. Who first divided the week into seven days?
Ans: Chaldeans.
36. Who determines the length of the first year?
Ans: Chaldeans.
37. How many constellations did the Chaldean astronomers discover?
Ans: 12.
38. How did the Chaldean civilization fall?
Ans: As a result of Persian invasion.
39. Who started using iron?
Ans: The Hittites.
40. When did the Iron Age begin in Asia Minor?
Ans: Around 1200 BC.
41. How many centuries of the Indus civilization were discovered?
Ans: In 1921 Khistrab.
42. When were the two cities of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa discovered?
Ans: In 1921-22.
43. Who built the Indus civilization?
Ans: Dravida.
44. Mohenjodaro and Harappa are located in which civilization?
Ans: In the Indus Civilization.
45. When did the Indus civilization fall?
Ans: 1750 BC.
46. According to archaeologists, what is the reason for the decline of the Indus civilization?
Ans: Catastrophic floods.
47. Which city was first dug on the banks of the Indus?
Ans: Harappan city.
48. Why is Indian civilization known as Indus civilization?
Ans: Because it was built on the banks of the river Indus.
49. Mohenjodaro city was built on the banks of the main river Indus in how much area?
Ans: One mile.
50. Mohenjodaro is located in which district of Pakistan?
Ans: In Larkana district.
51. What is the best identity of the Phoenicians in the history of ancient civilization?
Ans: As sailors and shipbuilders.
52. What is the greatest contribution of the Phoenicians to the history of civilization?
Ans: The invention of the alphabet.
53. Who completed the alphabet by adding vowels to the alphabet invented by the Phoenicians?
Ans: The Greeks.
54. From whom did the Europeans learn the use of pen, ink and paper?
Ans: Phoenician.
55. How many years before the Persian Empire?
Ans: 600 BC.
56. When did the Greek hero Alexander conquer the Persian Empire?
Ans: 330 BC.
57. What is another name for the Persian Empire?
Ans: Achaemenid Empire.
58. Who created the Persian calendar?
Ans: Darius.
59. What are the important signs of Persian architecture?
Ans: Tomb of Cyrus.
60. Who is the most successful ruler in Persian history?
Ans: The Danube.
61. How many cuneiform symbols did the Persians use in writing?
Ans: 39 t.
62. How many languages were used in the writing system of the Persian civilization?
Ans: 2.
63. Who introduced the rule of counting 1 year in 12 months and 1 month in 30 days?
Ans: The Persians.
64. Where was the original home of the Hebrews?
Ans: In the Arabian desert.
65. Who preached the worship of God first?
Ans: The Hebrews.
66. Hebrew faith formed the basis of which religion?
Ans: Christian religion.
67. Who were the descendants of the current residents of Israel?
Ans: The Hebrews.
68. Who was the first religious leader of the Hebrews?
A. Somatic.
69. China’s urban civilization was developed when?
Ans: About four thousand years ago.
70. Where was the Chinese civilization developed?
Ans: In Huangho, Yangsiqiang and South China.
71. How many years did the rule of the Chou kings last in China?
Ans: 873 years.
72. Who was the most influential philosopher in Chinese history?
Ans: Confucius.
73. When did the Shang era begin in China?
Ans: In 1122 AD.
74. Shang kings built a civilization on the banks of which river?
Ans: Hwangho.
75. What things were used in the Shang period?
Ans: Bronze.
76. The Chinese population is mainly descended from which group?
Ans: Mongolian.
77. What area did the Aegean civilization rise?
Ans: The Eastern Balkan region along the Aegean Sea.