Mohammed Sheikh Kamaluddin Sharon, in the composition of the, what is the role of the novel “Politics in the way of people’s lifestyles is Lost?

Author: Clmxn Desk
Disclosure: 9 months ago
“Politics is now wayward in the life style of the people”( Janagaṇera jibanadharaya rajaniti ekhana pathahara )

Politics is a set of decision-making activities in relation to power, which exist at different levels of society. Politics in People’s Lifestyle Now Pathhara is a Bengali novel written by Mohammad Sheikh Kamaluddin Sharon. This novel sheds light on various aspects of politics and corruption in Bangladesh.

Politics in People’s Lifestyles Now Pathhara The role of the novel is to show the impact and response of politics on people’s lifestyles. In this novel, the author presents various topics of Bangladeshi politics, such as the war of independence, revolution, parliamentary elections, corruption of government officials, drug trade, human trafficking, human rights violations, religious tolerance, women and children abuse, the condition of the poor and weaker sections, etc. In this novel, the author reveals the true and false, good and bad, bright and dark aspects of politics. Through this novel, the author has tried to give people a proper sense and awareness of politics.

Mohammed Sheikh Kamaluddin Sharon, in the composition of the, what is the role of the novel “Politics in the way of people’s lifestyles is Lost?

  • in the composition of the
  • Mohammed Sheikh Kamaluddin Sharon
  • what is the role of the novel "Politics in the way of people's lifestyles is Lost?